Tafheem ul Quran (Aam Edition) is the world-famous work of Maududi Sahab, this Quran tafsir is written in a simple manner and an average Muslim can understand terms and explanations very easily.
for other Maududi Sahab books check out HERE
The Tafhim Consist of 6 volumes, it is a combination of orthodox and modernist interpretation and has profoundly influenced modern Islamic thought. It differs from traditional exegeses in several ways. It is more than a traditional commentary on scripture; it contains discussions and debates regarding economics, sociology, history, and politics.
Maududi uses the standard technique of explaining the Qur’anic verses from the Sunnah of Muhammed, including the historical reasons behind the verses.
Tafheem ul Quran (Aam Edition) is the world-famous work of Maududi Sahab, this Quran tafsir is written in a simple manner and an average Muslim can understand terms and explanations very easily.
for other Maududi Sahab books check out HERE
Weight | 1.0-4 kg |
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